Monday, January 30, 2012

Running to Remember a Fellow Woman Runner

We have been shocked by the news of Sherry, teacher, wife, mom and runner who left her home one Saturday morning for a run and never returned. Her cousin is organizing a run to remember her... as a women who runs alone this is particularly poignant. Please consider joining Simon and I and walk, run, cycle or move in whatever way suits you to remember Sherry.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Will Simon Forgive me?

I am going hiking today and I have decided not to bring Simon.... I know you are all gasping at the horror of it all. But, I am hiking with my pal Megan and her 2 daughters in the hopes of seeing one of the Snowy Owls that have come down our way this winter. I am pretty sure that having a predator along, Simon, may interfere with our possible sightings.

Fortunately, Simon and I have already had a wonderful outdoor adventure today- doing a loop that incorporated hiking trails, closed roads and an bushwhack along an abandoned trail! So.... please forgive me my four pawed pal!