Wednesday, October 19, 2011

A(nother) Morning on Gorham

It was so funny this morning as I had planned last evening that today would be a hiking day, but when I woke I really wanted to go running instead! I almost did, but then checked the weather and we are due for lots of rain tonight and tomorrow- I will run in rain, but hate hiking in rain as the trails are slick. So... a hike it was today.

I decided to hike Gorham Mt. I have a tremendous fondness for this small mountain as it was where I got started in hiking. It is a cool, crisp day for a hike and being on the trail felt great. Not long after we got hiking I had a sense that someone was watching us. I have had this experience before and it is usually worth stopping and having a closer look around. We were very near a well traveled animal path, so I had a pretty good idea of who was around. Eventually I saw a horizontal plane of brown amongst the trees- I was right it was a deer. I quietly greeted her and then we moved along.

The trail felt so much like home... it is funny to me now to try and remember just what it was that got me to hike in the first place. What started it all? I have no idea. But once I got going it was all uphill from there. Early on in my hiking days I would hike Gorham 3 or 4 times a week. Still feeling a little anxious about venturing onto other trails. However, with Simon by my side, that soon changed and we have been hiking all over the place since.

As we continued our hike I noticed, even with the small amount of altitude change, the variation in color of the huckleberry bushes. As we neared the summit they sported leaves colored a stunning red and at the trailhead the leaves were still slowly moving from yellow to red.

Just past a lovely view point, Simon became quite alert and stopped in his tracks. Moved a bit and lifted his nose to the air. I know the signs and there was someone about. In the past Simon has shown me great owls in the trees we pass, Ravens soaring high above us, killdeer, fox, grouse and coyote. I strained my eyes to pick out something in the shrubs and trees, but it was dense and I could not make out who might be around. Well, I knew the chances of it being a bear, lynx, or bobcat were incredibly slim- despite their presence on the island and despite my great desires to see one of these animals. I thought it could very well be a fox or coyote watching us, but more than likely it was a deer. Sure enough when we started to move along I saw the distinctive flash of white as the deer decided to bound off.

We reached the summit and stopped long enough for Simon to have a few treats and to gaze out at the ocean before us and the mounains behind us before heading back down. I will never tire of this view- I have been on this mountain in all seasons and each time it offers me something amazing.

On our way down Simon and I caught the scent of, what I imagined to be, a fox. There was an animal path at this point along the trail and we have certainly noticed fox activity here before. Needless to say, SImon needed a moment to savor the scent and check out this path more in depth.

Once moving again and getting close to my first deer sighting of the day, we rounded a corner of the trail and looking right at me, very close to the trail was a deer. She was adorable and I admit that I am often reminded of Simon's warm loving eyes when I see deer eyes. Behind her I caught a flash of white as another deer moved farther away. Simon stopped and looked in their direction, I do not think he saw them, but remained calm for which he was duly rewarded. In order to continue along the trail we would have to pass very, very close to her and I had a clear view of her and of her fawn standing behind her. Simon paid them no attention and I said a soft hello as we passed.

Back at the car we had water and Simon had a few more treats and then it was back home. Again, Gorham recharged my soul.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

A Weekend in Crawford Notch

Whew- Simon and I have been active as usual, but it has been so long since we posted. So....
a couple of weeks ago Simon and I went camping in Crawford Notch State Park in NH. I had hope to "bag" another 4000 footer, but a lack of sleep and needing to meet up with my sister, niece & nephew inspired me to change my plans. Instead, in honor of SImon's love of water, I decided that we would do a series of short hikes that involve water. It was perfect weather and Simon was ready to swim!

We topped off our hikes with a couple of short hikes to 2 of the tallest waterfalls in NH- Arethusa & Ripley. Simon and I both relished the coolness of being near such amazing sights and, yes, SImon did get in a lot of swimming- river, pond & stream. All in all a perfect camping weekend.